


Specialized Logistics for the Agro-food Industry


The agricultural sector is essential for economic and social development, mobilizing large volumes of perishable products and agricultural raw materials that require specialized logistical handling. At Baranta International Trade Solutions, we understand the unique challenges faced by this industry and provide services designed to ensure efficiency throughout the supply chain, from the field to international markets.

What Products Are Typically Imported from the Agricultural Sector?

Fresh Products

Fertilizers, agricultural machinery, seeds, and agrochemicals.

Agricultural Inputs

Fertilizers, agricultural machinery, seeds, and agrochemicals.Fertilizantes, maquinaria agrícola, semillas y agroquímicos.

Raw Materials

Cotton, sugar cane, vegetable oils, and field derivatives.

Regulatory Compliance and Certifications

  • Advising on obtaining phytosanitary permits and certificates of origin.
    Supporting compliance with export regulations, such as those required by European and North American markets.
    Phytosanitary procedures: We manage certificates like SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards) needed for agricultural product exports.
    Accurate tariff classification: We optimize costs through correct classification of agricultural products and supplies.

Warehouse Management and Consolidation

Infrastructure for Agricultural Products

We offer storage in Strategic Fiscalized Warehouses (RFE) and Fiscal Deposits to handle large volumes of products.

Labeling and Repackaging

Specialized services for processed products that must comply with labeling regulations in international markets.

Cargo Consolidation

Cost reduction by grouping products from different origin points for joint export.

Advanced refrigeration: We guarantee the cold chain with technology that allows real-time temperature monitoring to prevent quality loss.

We design fast routes to minimize transportation times, essential for fresh products.

We use units with controlled atmosphere to extend the shelf life of products such as berries, avocados, and citrus fruits.

Precision equipment: We facilitate the entry of automated irrigation systems, drones for crop analysis, and harvesting machinery.

We manage compliance with environmental and phytosanitary regulations during the importation process.

Innovation at the Service of the Agrarian Sector

At Baranta, we use advanced technology to provide full visibility of the supply chain, ensuring that every stage of the process is aligned with the best logistical and regulatory practices. From importing inputs to exporting agricultural products, we are your strategic partner to take your products from the field to the world.

Baranta: Bringing the Best of the Field to the World.